Tutorial: How to make a header in XnView

This are the steps I followed to make the header on Premade #11.

Needed: Download XnView from XnView or FileHippo. Install the software. Choose your photos. I used 3 pictured from one of Anne’s spreads for Vogue:


Step 1: Resize + make 2 of the photos black and white.

Resize: Open the photo, then go to to Image > Resize and put your dimensions. The header will be 1366px wide by 525px high, so the b&w photos will be 455px wide.


B&W: With the photo open, go to Image > Adjust > Hue/Lightness > Saturation > Set Saturation to -100 > Click OK.


With the photo still open, go to Image > Adjust > Conbright > Set it to 25 > Click OK.


Crop: Select the region to crop (455px wide and 525px height) and press crop.


Save: Go to File > Save as – I recommend saving it as .bmp because it’s a loseless format and improves the quality of the final header.

Repeat for the second photo.

Step 2: The color photo: Resize, crop (456px wide and 525px height), and save as .bmp.


Step 3: Create the header.

Select the 3 photos > Go to Create > Strip of images.


You will get the following options. The default settings will be enough to make the header.


Click Create.


Save the header: Go to File > Save as. You can save the final header as .jpg or .png.

One response... add one

Thank you for the tutorial, it worked like a charm – I used XNViewMP portable version. 🙂

By the way, the “Strip of images” voice in the Create menu now says “Join images”; I guess it’s something that changed with the newest versions, and I thought to let you know.

Thank you very much again. 🙂 🙂

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